Testolab-P 100
Injectable Steroids

Testolab-P 100

$19.20 $32.00

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Ingredient: Testosterone Propionate
Concentration: 100 mg / mL
Price For: 10 mL Vial
Brand: 7Lab Pharm

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Testolab-P 100 Detailed

Original Testolab-P 100 by 7Lab Pharma

Testolab-P 100 contains 100 mg of Testosterone Propionate and is brand product of 7Lab Pharm.


  • Duration of Action: 1-1.5 Days
  • Recommended Dosage: 300-700 mg/week
  • Acne Manifestation: Yes
  • Water Retention: Low
  • High Blood Pressure: No
  • Aromatization: Yes
  • Hepatoxicity: No

Testolab-P 100 by 7Lab Pharm is a drug with main active substance - testosterone propionate, which is the third popular testosterone ester. This steroid is often ignored in view of its short action. Athletes often give their preference to other similar injections, for example, longer esters Testolab-C 250 and Testolab-E 250.

It is important to note that like the rest of the products from 7Lab Pharma, testosterone propionate in our store is an original product. This can be easily verified on the company's website.

Beginners often think so - since others do not use this steroid, then I should not. But few people are fully familiar with the properties of this steroid and the effects of its use.

In fact, Testolab-P 100, like its analogues, is significantly different from the similar steroid agents of enanthate and cypionate. In some aspects, it even surpasses the mentioned longer testosterone esters (mainly due to the qualities that these agents do not possess).

The first and most important difference between Testolab-P 100 and rivals is the impact. Compared with enanthate and cypionate preparations, which have a very long period of use, this testosterone ester begins to affect the body almost immediately after injection. This in turn gives it another indisputable advantage - an accelerated period of use. So, at a dosage of 50 mg, an increased level of androgens is fixed for 2 days. For the drug to begin to act fully, it does not have to be taken for 10 weeks, a 6-8-week course is enough.

The second significant difference is the small amount of accumulated water, and, consequently, the shorter required "drying" periods.

The main advantage of Testolab-P 100 from 7Lab Pharma is that it inherited many of the best aspects of its "relatives". A strong androgenic effect, as well as a pronounced anabolic one. Just in comparison with long-acting esters, propionate acts softer, less likely to cause side effects and is better suited for beginners who are only familiar with anabolic steroids. On the other hand, it is used effectively by experienced athletes in combined cycles.

Anabolic activity allows you to use Testolab-P 100 not only for drying or strength gain with endurance, but also during mass-gaining courses. It is perfectly included in combination with steroids (Dianobol-Lab 10, Turano-Lab 10 and others) for high-quality and fast muscle growth.

The effect of this steroid is diverse, it is capable of much even in solo and is great for the purpose of gaining muscle mass, increasing strength, increasing performance or drying. The main thing here is to choose an effective dosage for yourself and not to abuse it.

Usage and Dosage

When the initial steroid is administered, the majority of athletes choose small injections of 50-100 mg each. The frequency of injections is not high - every other day, or every three days.

For those who are not used to waiting for positive dynamics for a long time, daily injections of 50 mg can be recommended. However, it should be understood that Testosterone Propionate manufactured by 7Lab Pharm, regardless of dose, exhibits its activity for approximately the same period and equally. So this approach is controversial.

The conclusion is that when using Testolab-P 100, success lies in regular injections of relatively small doses.

As already mentioned, the Testolab-P 100 cycle does not have to go solo. For example, it may include the parallel use of other long-acting injections. At the same time, an athlete accumulates a smaller amount of water than with the parallel use of several long-acting injections. For quick weight gain and muscle growth, a good combination is taking this drug (every two days, 100 mg), Stanolab-50 (once a day or every other day, 50 mg) and 30 mg of Dianobol-Lab 10 (once a day).

Testolab-P 100 for cutting cycle may again include stanozolol. It can be an injectable or tablet preparation of your choice. This combination has long been used by many athletes who want to achieve dense muscle and pump without any extra body fat and water. This anabolic steroid can be combined with a variety of anabolics, depending on goals, financial capabilities of the person applying and his experience.

Women can use this steroid, but only in the most minimal doses, so as not to face masculinization and other side effects.

Possible Side Effects

Speaking of side effects, it is worth mentioning that they are usually not so pronounced and manifest themselves to a much lesser extent compared with long-acting counterparts. And the point here is not even a smaller weekly dose, but less sedimentation of the substance. It is also worth noting the fact that propionate is the mildest and chemically harmless testosterone ester used in sports. It is for these reasons that it is more easily tolerated by the body.

And yet, no matter how much one wants, Testolab-P 100 is a steroid that can cause side effects, somewhere similar to its counterparts, somewhere not. For example, it can be: hair loss, accelerated hair growth on the body, acne. But then there is an almost complete absence of hepatotoxicity, liver damage is ruled out, unless, of course, the dosage is abused.

Other possible side effects are: decreased natural testosterone, masculinization in women, some water retention, gynecomastia. These sides rarely occur and are more likely an exception to the rule.


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