Dianobol-Lab 10
Oral Steroids

Dianobol-Lab 10

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Methandienone
Concentration: 10 mg / pill
Price For: 100 pills
Brand: 7Lab Pharm

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Dianobol-Lab 10 Detailed

Original Dianobol-Lab 10 by 7Lab Pharm

Dianobol-Lab 10 contains 10 mg of Methandienone and is brand product of 7Lab Pharm.


  • Duration of Action: 3.2-4.5 Hours
  • Recommended Dosage: 20 mg/day
  • Acne Manifestation: Yes
  • Water Retention: High
  • High Blood Pressure: Yes
  • Aromatization: High
  • Hepatoxicity: Yes

Dianobol-lab 10 quickly became a success among athletes and bodybuilders. With this anabolic, athletes quickly gain weight and increase strength.

Main Drug Effects

The active substance is Methandienone, a testosterone derivative. However, due to changes in the molecular structure, it is a stronger anabolic, 200 percent of testosterone. Moreover, it is characterized by moderate androgenicity - not more than 50%.

The main positive qualities of this drug can be considered:

  • Muscle volume increases rapidly.
  • Power parameters are increasing.
  • Increases the athlete's performance.
  • It is a powerful anti-catabolic.
  • Appetite is increasing.

Although it is one of the safest AAS on the market, side effects can occur. Most often this happens in situations when bodybuilders do not comply with the rules for using AAS. Most often, athletes are faced with negative effects of estrogen type. To minimize the risks of their development, use aromatase inhibitors. If a bodybuilder uses only one Dianobol-lab 10, then Proviron-lab will be enough. Otherwise, you should pay attention to the more powerful antiestrogens of this class, for example, Aromasin-Lab.

Also, do not exclude the possibility of developing androgenic type side effects. To combat them, we recommend using Finasteride. Since methanedienone undergoes an alkylation procedure during production, it has a certain indicator of hepatotoxicity. However, in a daily dose of up to 60 mg, it is not able to cause serious changes in liver.

Usage and Dosage

The recommended daily dosage is in the range of 20-60 mg. Duration of this steroid use is 1.5-2 months. After the abolition of the anabolic, be sure to conduct a PCT. Within 2-3 weeks, take 50 mg of Clomi-Lab or 20 mg of Tamoxi-Lab.

Experienced bodybuilders should conduct combined courses. You can stack with any injectable steroid. Most athletes prefer to take this steroid with Decalab-250, Trenolab-H 100, Tesolab-C 250, Sustalab-250, Boldelab-200, Testolab-E 250 and Trenolab-E 200. All these combinations are designed to gain a large amount of mass.

For example, with Sustalab-250 and Dianobol-lab 10 stack, you can build at least 6 kilos in 2 months. The daily dosage tabs is 40 mg. Sust can be injected 2 times within 7 days. A single dose is 250 mg. To guaranteed avoid gynecomastia, take Anastro-Lab. After discontinuing anabolics, perform PCT using clomiphene citrate.


To find reviews about Dianobol-lab 10, you just need to visit any specialized web resource. Athletes actively use this drug. Moreover, it is successful not only among beginners, but also experienced bodybuilders. First of all, they note the high quality of this steroid and its high performance. You can buy Dianobol-lab 10 at an attractive cost in our store. All products sold by us are of high quality.


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