Injectable Steroids


Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Stanozolol
Concentration: 50 mg / mL
Price For: 10 mL Vial
Brand: 7Lab Pharm

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Stanolab-50 Detailed

Original Stanolab-50 by 7Lab Pharma

Stanolab-50 contains 50 mg of Stanozolol and is brand product of 7Lab Pharm.


  • Duration of Action: 9 Hours
  • Recommended Dosage: 50 mg/day
  • Acne Manifestation: Yes
  • Water Retention: No
  • High Blood Pressure: Perhaps
  • Aromatization: No
  • Hepatoxicity: Yes

Stanolab-50 is a modern steroid drug made by 7Lab Pharma. It can be called an analogue of Winstrol, since it is also based on injectable stanozolol in aqueous solution.

This is a great choice for achieving quality muscle growth. This drug promotes muscle growth, while not retaining water and does not provoke an increase in body fat, but rather has a fat burning and eliminating excess water effect.

Also, Stanolab-50 from 7Lab Pharm is valuable for its ability to increase the athlete's basic physical indicators. It increases strength characteristics, leads to increased endurance and performance, therefore it is considered relevant not only in bodybuilding and strength disciplines, but also in athletics.

To begin with, it should be said that all drugs from 7Lab Pharma sold on our website are original pharmacological agents. To verify this, you can use the code found on vials.

If you describe the effect of Stanolab-50, you need to pay attention that this drug is a strong anabolic with minimal androgenic activity (despite this, the side effects of virilization or masculinization during use are likely, especially with predisposition and abuse).

This steroid has high bioavailability and stability, however, the duration of its activity after injection is not the longest. The half-life of substance from the time of use is about 8 hours.

Let's make a remark: Stanolab-50 is based on Stanozolol. It is an anabolic steroid developed and marketed at the beginning of the second half of the last century. Initially, it was produced only for medical and less frequent veterinary use, however, due to its anabolic and fat-burning properties, it quickly became widespread in sports practice. To date, this steroid has a long history of use as a sports drug and has not lost its relevance.

What results can be achieved with Stanolab-50? This drug is often used for drying, as it promotes fat burning and elimination of excessive water, as well as to achieve high-quality muscle growth. During cycle, improvements can be observed, consisting in an increase in hardness and muscle shape, an increase in endurance, performance and strength indicators.

Usage and Dosage

This drug is a good choice for beginners and amateurs, as well as for experienced or even professional athletes. It goes well with almost any anabolic and androgen relevant to sports practice, while having low risks of side effects.

According to practice, the optimal dosage of Stanolab-50 varies in the region of 30-50 mg per day. Such an amount is usually quite sufficient to achieve required improvements, if it is not about the pros, who, as a rule, use slightly higher doses of stanozolol in accordance with their needs.

The frequency of use and duration of its use can also vary, on average it is 1 injection per day or every other day and, accordingly, about 6-8 full weeks of the course duration. In most cases, this drug is not used in solo, but in combination courses with other anabolic steroids.

If you have questions about how best to use Stanolab-50, then our consultants can answer this question.

This drug has established itself as an excellent combination product, it is in perfect harmony and gives a synergistic effect in combination with various properties of anabolic and androgenic steroids.

If you select some of the most popular stacks, then such, of course, include a cycle of Stanolab-50 and Decalab-250. Combinations with Testolab-P 100 for drying or Sustalab-250 for high-quality muscle growth are also often used. Other possible combinations are: Dianobol-Lab 20, Oxy-Lab, Trenolab-A 100, Primalab-100 or Mastolab-100.

Choosing steroids for stacking use should be based on personal preferences, experience, current physical fitness and pursued goals. For drying, some stacks are effective, for a larger increase in strength indicators - others, and for building muscle mass in a short time - third.

Possible Side effects

This steroid can be called relatively unbelievable for use. Even in the case of high doses for sports purposes, if the recommendations are followed, as a rule, it does not lead to serious side effects.

According to reviews, possible side effects are an increase in blood pressure and an increase in cholesterol. Also, some athletes note pain at injection site and discomfort after. This drug has practically no side effects - estrogenic side effects are excluded, androgenic are unlikely. Separately, we emphasize that during training you should not overestimate the working weight, as this can lead to damage on the background of joints and ligaments.


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