Turano-Lab 10
Oral Steroids

Turano-Lab 10

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone
Concentration: 10 mg / pill
Price For: 100 pills
Brand: 7Lab Pharm

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Turano-Lab 10 Detailed

Original Turano-Lab 10 by 7Lab Pharm

Turano-Lab 10 contains 10 mg of Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone and is brand product of 7Lab Pharm.


  • Duration of Action: 16 Hours
  • Recommended Dosage: 20-50 mg/day
  • Acne Manifestation: Yes
  • Water Retention: Low
  • High Blood Pressure: Perhaps
  • Aromatization: No
  • Hepatoxicity: Yes

Turano-lab 10 allows you to gain high-quality muscle mass and increase physical performance. The main active ingredient in 7Lab Pharm's product is 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, which is popular among athletes. The main characteristics of this steroid is a powerful anabolic effect with moderate androgenic properties.

For many bodybuilders, an important fact when choosing steroids is their safety. In this regard, Turano-lab 10 can be considered an almost ideal drug, since with its use side effects are extremely unlikely. This anabolic has been actively used by athletes for decades and deserves only positive reviews.

You can effectively use it solo or include it in different stacks. With all the positive qualities of this drug, its cost looks very attractive.

Main Effects

7Lab Pharm's products have already won the hearts of many athletes. This is primarily due to the high efficiency of Turano-lab 10 and almost complete safety. This drug is suitable for both beginner athletes and professionals.

It is important to note that after its course, there is almost no muscle loss effect. It is very difficult from a psychological point of view to observe how some of the results are lost after stopping the use of AAS. With Turano-lab 10 you can avoid this by preserving all your achievements.

This drug produces a large number of effects on body, but now we only note the main ones:

  • Accelerates muscle growth without retaining water.
  • Muscle hardness increases.
  • Minimum muscle loss after completion of reception.
  • Physical indicators are increasing rapidly.
  • Not affected by aromatase enzyme.

Usage and Dosage

If you want to conduct the first anabolic cycle, then Turano-lab 10 will be your excellent choice. When using it, you are insured against side effects, and there will be practically no muscle loss. You must admit that even these reasons are quite enough to choose it as your first AAS. Novice athletes will be able to get excellent results after a course.

Turano-lab should be taken daily, and the dosage is 30-50 milligrams. The duration of course, as a rule, is about two months. Experienced athletes can be recommended to conduct a combined cycle. Most often they use a stack of Turano-lab 10 + Testolab-P 100. After the cycle is completed, remember the need for PCT, the duration of which most often does not exceed 14 days.


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