Dianobol-Lab 20
Oral Steroids

Dianobol-Lab 20

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Methandienone
Concentration: 20 mg / pill
Price For: 100 pills
Brand: 7Lab Pharm

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Dianobol-Lab 20 Detailed

Original Dianobol-Lab 20 by 7Lab Pharm

Dianobol-Lab 20 contains 20 mg of Methandienone and is brand product of 7Lab Pharm.


  • Duration of Action: 3.2-4.5 Hours
  • Recommended Dosage: 20 mg/day
  • Acne Manifestation: Yes
  • Water Retention: High
  • High Blood Pressure: Yes
  • Aromatization: High
  • Hepatoxicity: Yes

Methandienone is famous for having been the most popular oral steroid of all time and is commercially known as Dianobol-Lab 20. In 1955 it was invented by Ciba Pharmaceuticals, an up and coming American pharmaceutical company. It is have become so popular as it is an oral steroid but it is also a derivative of testosterone and has been manipulated into having a higher anabolic effect and less androgenic side effects.

Many bodybuilders chose to take Dianobol-Lab 20 and depending on what they are looking to achieve the dosage could vary from 10 mg to 100 mg per day. The more they take the higher the risk becomes as regards side effects and these could include water retention, acne, liver toxicity, aggression and or increased blood pressure.

Dianobol-Lab 20 is most effective when taken in combination with injectable steroids like Decalab and Testolab. These cycles should not last for more than 6 weeks in order to reduce liver damage and other related side effects. Low dosage cycles over longer time periods will actually give you the better results rather than the recommended high dosage short term cycle to "jump start" your cycle until injectable steroids accumulate and begin working in your system.

A great example to explain this is when a user takes Dianobol-Lab at a dose of 10-20 mg for an 8 to 10 week cycle as this is a lot more safer and the gains way more effective than when doing 50-60 mg per day over a 4 week cycle which will only lead to massive water retention that only disappears once the cycle has finished.

On the whole Dianobol-Lab is used with steroid cycles should a bodybuilder be looking for massive muscle gains out of season. Should it be used with a solid weight training program and a high calorie diet, a Dianobol-Lab cycle can add round 10-20 pounds of weight during an 8 week cycle. Most of the gains of Dianobol-Lab will be remain after cessation of the cycle, although some of that weight will be water retention and some fat.


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