Trenolab-E 200
Injectable Steroids

Trenolab-E 200

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester; Progestogen
Active Ingredient: Trenbolone Enanthate
Concentration: 200 mg / mL
Price For: 10 mL Vial
Brand: 7Lab Pharm

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Trenolab-E 200 Detailed

Original Trenolab-E 200 by 7Lab Pharma

Trenolab-E 200 contains 200 mg of Trenbolone Enanthate and is brand product of 7Lab Pharm.


  • Duration of Action: 5 Days
  • Recommended Dosage: 75-100 mg/week
  • Acne Manifestation: Rarely
  • Water Retention: Yes
  • High Blood Pressure: Perhaps
  • Aromatization: No
  • Hepatoxicity: Yes

This drug has a great power effect on your body. We recommend Trenolab-E 200 cycle only if you have sufficient experience in using anabolic steroids. Beginners should choose a lighter anabolic. They should also read the Trenolab-E 200 reviews to increase their knowledge about anabolic steroids.

The composition of this drug includes prolonged substance Trenbolone Enanthate. Compared with testosterone, its indicators of androgenic and anabolic activity are 200 and 400 percent, respectively. Only this one fact speaks eloquently about how powerful a drug we are considering today.

On average, it is able to work for two weeks. However, it should be remembered that Enanthate does not enter into work immediately. This is a mass-building drug, which in addition has rather strong fat-burning properties. However, during the cutting period it is not practical to use it, because there is Trenolab-A 100, which allows you to get the best result during this period.

Trenbolone also contributes to the growth of power parameters. However, against the background of other drugs, it stands out not by this. Trenbolone is able to almost double the production of an insulin-like growth factor. Scientists believe that this is what allows anabolic steroids to actively burn fat. It is also worth saying that Trenolab-E 200 is a powerful anti-catabolic.

Possible Side Effects

When deciding to buy Trenolab-E 200, you should be aware of possible side effects. Since this is a powerful steroid, the risks of their manifestation can be considered high. Gynecomastia is possible, although this drug does not aromatize. Like Nandrolone, Trenbolones have progestogenic properties. That is why the risks of gynecomastia are quite high.

Also, do not forget about androgenic side effects. Since Trenbolone does not interact with 5-alpha reductase and is not able to convert to dihydrotestosterone, drugs like Tamoxi-Lab can not get rid of these side effects.

However, suppressing the performance of the pituitary arch can cause the greatest trouble to athletes. Since the concentration of testosterone quickly reaches maximum values ??in steroid courses, the body stops synthesizing endogenous testosterone. To avoid side effectes, after five weeks of using Trenolab-E 200, you should discontinue cycle or use Gonadotropin into its composition.

Usage and Dosage

In conclusion, we'll show you how to use the Trenolab-E 200 and start with a solo cycle. Weekly dosage ranges from 200 to 400 mg. Given the long half-life of this anabolic, it can be injected once every seven days. However, most athletes prefer to inject it twice a week. In order to suppress the progestogen activity of this drug, it is necessary to take Cabergoline. Another feature of Trenolab-E 200 is that you should use of Tamoxi-Lab during PCT.

And now about the combined cycles. The only prohibition is stacking with Nandrolones. All other steroids can be used regardless of their form of release. A combination of Trenolab-E 200 and Testolab-E 250 is extremely popular. These drugs allow you to gain a large amount of muscle mass, and of good quality.

Trenbolone should be injected similarly to the solo cycle. A weekly dosage of Testosterone is between 250 and 500 mg. If the goal of cycle is to build high-quality mass, then Trenolab-E 200 can be combined with a short ester of testosterone. Inject Testolab-P 100 every other day at 100 mg. Similar results can be achieved with a combination of Trenolab-E 200 and Stanolab-50. However, this cycle focuses on increasing strength, although the mass will be growing quite actively.

As we have already said, except for Nandrolone, there are no restrictions on combined cycle. Good results can be obtained when used together with Boldelab-200. These drugs allow you to gain quality mass and increase strength. Whatever combination you choose, you should pay special attention to auxiliary drugs. We are talking about those medications with which the negative effects of Trenbolone are suppressed. For example, if the choice was made in favor of Testosterone, then do not forget about aromatase inhibitors. This is especially true for prolonged steroids based on testosterone.

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