Injectable Steroids
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Stanoxyl Depot
30.00 USD
40.00 USD
Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Stanozolol
Concentration: 50 mg / mL
Price For: 10 mL Vial
Brand: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
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Stanoxyl Depot Detailed
Original Stanoxyl Depot by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Stanoxyl Depot contains 50 mg of Stanozolol and is brand product of Kalpa Pharmaceuticals.
- Duration of Action: 9 Hours
- Recommended Dosage: 10-20 mg/day
- Acne Manifestation: Yes
- Water Retention: No
- High Blood Pressure: Perhaps
- Aromatization: No
- Hepatoxicity: Yes
Stanoxyl Depot Reviews
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Mar 21, 2024 (13:12)
Warning: the post injection pain is insane! I literally only put 1/10th or .10 ml in my butt and the pain has not gone away in a week and hard lump developed. This is some hardcore stuff. I can easily handle 450 mg of test mix and inject 250 mg of Tren E and 300 mg of Deca in the same spot the next day. But this stuff ever a 1/10th of a ML of this stuff is enough cause 4 times as much pain as any steroids I’ve ever tried. So honestly the pain to reward ratio isn’t there for me. I would just stick with oral Winstrol.